Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Kapono!!

I can't really decide what to right at the moment. I guess I will start it about Kapono. When My Son was born last 01/13/11, my world changed. I can see the different colors of life and learned to appreciate what I have. It's the strangest feeling. As the days passes by, my son is showing more and more development and me and my wife are pretty sure he is advance for a 2 month old baby. I am very thankful that God gave us a bouncing, healthy and handsome baby boy.

Seeing him smile even on a picture takes all my worries and stress away. Such a lovely picture.. =)

This picture always remind me to strive hard and to do my best in everything.

Welcome to the world Kapono!!

Very peace.. looking at this makes me wanna sleep also.
Nighty night Kapono!!

lovely.. My wife told me that she was just amazed when she saw this picture.

Truly children are angels sent by God. We are lucky to receive one from Him. I love you Kapono Daniel Bleu Silverio!!

This are just some of the pictures that my wife uploaded and I considered them as my priceless treasure. Soon I will be joining my wife and son.. and I can't wait for that day to come.

That's all for now.. =)

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